KenSAP’s involvement with its students does not end when they receive their university admission notices. The program organizes a group flight, helps the students through the bureaucratic maze of visa applications, and then conducts an orientation weekend in Boston, where the newly arrived students meet their KenSAP precursors and take part in panel discussions led by American university deans and professors.

After the students disperse to their respective campuses, KenSAP’s support continues. The program’s staff make themselves available to both students and college administrators as in loco parentis, first-responders in the event of difficulties large and small. In addition, the program holds gatherings each April and December at which students and alumni compare notes and join in guided discussions focusing on common problems as well as internship and career opportunities. These gatherings, together with the long residential preparation sessions in Kenya, have formed the basis of what is now an extensive and tight-knit KenSAP community. And that community, led by the experienced KenSAP staff, provides further support through individual guidance in post-graduate and career planning.